Supporting the needs of all our customers
If you have a current account with us, this table shows the key ways of supporting you when you need us.
How we can help you if you are experiencing money worries
Offered support | How we can help | Links |
Dealing with the unexpected |
Additional help and support |
Budgeting tool |
How we can help you deal with a major life event
Offered support | How we can help | Links |
Contacting us |
Specialist support |
Dementia friendly |
Bereavement |
Other life events |
Find out more |
How we can help you manage your day-to-day money better
Offered Support | How we can help | Links |
Helping you understand your money |
Helping you develop your financial skills |
Putting support in place for managing your accounts |
Support you may find useful if you have a disability or a physical or mental health condition
Offered support | How we can help | Links |
Accessing cash |
Using your account |
Accessing information |
Allowing someone else to help you use your account |
Ways to interact with us |
The requirement to publish the Financial Conduct Authority Service Quality Information for business current accounts can be found on our Business Current Account Information page and our Personal Current Account Information Page.
The requirement to publish the Competition and Markets Authority Service Quality results for personal current accounts can be found at our Personal CMA Survey page and for business current accounts at our Business CMA Survey Page.
Extra Support Options
Let us know about the support or adjustments you need to make banking easier.
Learn more