Supporting the needs of all our customers

If you have a current account with us, this table shows the key ways of supporting you when you need us.

How we can help you if you are experiencing money worries

Offered support How we can help Links
Dealing with the unexpected
  • Our specialist support team are trained to discuss your circumstances or money worries in confidence, with empathy and honesty.
  • We can provide free debt advice if required.

Contact us – useful numbers

Our guide on how to avoid fees, charges and interest

Customers in financial difficulty

Additional help and support
  • We offer a free budgeting tool on our website.
  • Our specialist support teams can put you in touch with a free debt counselling specialist, who can help you manage your various debts and find other sources of support.
Budgeting tool

How we can help you deal with a major life event

Offered support How we can help Links
Contacting us
  • If you need help or guidance, you can get in touch with our locally based contact centre, by phone, secure mail (through online banking or our app), Click to Chat on our website, Twitter and Facebook. You can also contact any one of our branches.
  • If you contact us by phone we’ll ask for consent to store your voice biometric data. This will enable us to easily identify you when you call us in the future.

Contact us – useful numbers

Specialist support
  • All of our branch staff are trained to recognise and help customers who may need additional assistance.
  • We’ve worked closely with the Alzheimer’s Society Northern Ireland to support our customers with dementia. We now have ‘dementia friends’ in our branches and customer support teams.
Dementia friendly
  • You can tell us about the death of a customer by phone or, if you’d rather speak to somebody in person, by visiting your local branch.
  • We can offer support about managing your finances after a recent bereavement.

Bereavement Guide

Other life events
  • We can offer financial support if you’re experiencing financial difficulties due to personal circumstances
Find out more

How we can help you manage your day-to-day money better

Offered Support How we can help Links
Helping you understand your money
  • We offer tools and guides on our website to help you understand and manage your money better.
  • As well as face to face at your branch, our online banking – eBanking, our mobile app and alert services – allows you to manage your money 24 hours a day, seven days a week across a range of devices.

Our step-by-step guide to convenient banking

Budgeting tool

Our guide on how to avoid fees, charges and interest

Helping you develop your financial skills
  • We help children and young people across Northern Ireland develop their understanding of money and personal finance, through SMART, our flagship educational programme.
  • We can tailor this programme to help people outside schools (for example youth or community groups) develop their financial confidence.
  • As well as face to face at your branch, our online banking – eBanking, our mobile app and alert services – allows you to manage your money 24 hours a day, seven days a week across a range of devices.

Information about SMART programme

Putting support in place for managing your accounts
  • We understand that planning for the future can be difficult however putting the right support in place now can really help both you and your loved ones further down the line.
  • Our guide outlines your options for allowing someone you trust to help with your bank accounts, and also a gives a reminder about the importance of writing and maintaining a will.

Plan Ahead Guide 

Support you may find useful if you have a disability or a physical or mental health condition

Offered support How we can help Links
Accessing cash
  • Where possible our cash machines are installed at a height suitable for wheelchair users. All offer an audio facility and feature a raised dot on the keypad for customers with visual impairment.
  • You can withdraw and deposit cash, check your balances and lodge cheques at any Post Office® in the UK with just your Danske Debit Mastercard.
  • We’re a JAM (Just A Moment) card-friendly bank. JAM cards give people with communication difficulties a discreet, non-verbal way of asking for a minute of patience when they need it. Our staff have been trained to recognise the card and give the best customer service to users.

Our services are available at the Post Office®


Using your account
  • We can provide Chip and Signature cards to assist customers who find it difficult to use Chip and PIN.
  • You’ll need to activate your card when you receive it before it can be used. Go to our Card activation page to find out how. If you need any help, please call us on 0370 850 2481.

Making it easier to manage your money

Accessing information
  • The majority of our branches have level access and height-adjustable teller counters. They all have automatic doors, hearing loops, low level writing desks and ground floor meeting rooms, and welcome assistance dogs.
  • When using your smart phone to access your information using our App, you can identify yourself with your fingerprint or face.
  • On request we can provide statements, PIN reminders, letters and marketing material in a variety of formats, such as Braille, large print and audio CD where possible.
Allowing someone else to help you use your account
  • You can set up mandates on your account to grant someone you trust access to your accounts.
  • Powers of Attorney’s, Enduring Power of Attorney’s and Court Protection orders can also be registered on accounts to permit access by a third party so they can support and help manage your financial affairs for your best interests.

Third party access

Ways to interact with us
  • You can get in touch with our locally based contact centre, by phone, secure mail (through online banking or our app), Click to Chat on our website, Twitter and Facebook. You can also contact any one of our branches.
  • If you contact us by phone we’ll ask for consent to store your voice biometric data. We can use this agreement to identify you when you call us in the future.
  • You can also contact our contact centre using text relay if you have any difficulty hearing.

Contact us – useful numbers

The requirement to publish the Financial Conduct Authority Service Quality Information for business current accounts can be found on our Business Current Account Information page and our Personal Current Account Information Page.

The requirement to publish the Competition and Markets Authority Service Quality results for personal current accounts can be found at our Personal CMA Survey page and for business current accounts at our Business CMA Survey Page.

Extra Support Options

Let us know about the support or adjustments you need to make banking easier.

Learn more
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