Competition Prize Draw - Hip hip hooray - Win £1,000

Win £1,000!

We’re giving 200 lucky customers £1,000 to celebrate our 200th birthday.

Registration is open from 1 November until 31 December 2024.

We're currently expecting very high traffic to this page, if you experience any issues while submitting the form, please try again later.

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Who can take part

  • Danske Bank customers who already have one of the following current accounts, opened on or before 31st October 2024:
  • Danske Choice
  • Danske Reward
  • Danske Freedom
  • Danske Standard
  • Danske Choice Plus
  • Danske Prestige
  • Sorry, but you have to be at least 18 years old to take part.
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How to take part

1. Register on the form below – terms & conditions apply.


2. Complete at least 11 Debit Mastercard transactions in the calendar month on your eligible current account – if you have more than one, they can all be entered if you complete the required transactions on each account.

How does it work

We’re going to run two prize draws, each with 100 customers winning £1,000 each.

You can register at any stage in the calendar month and any Debit Mastercard transactions that you have already completed that month will be counted towards the required minimum of 11. For every transaction you make after that, you’ll get another entry to the draw.

Transactions debited to your account between the first day and the last day of the calendar month will be counted in the tally for entry. ATM transactions and credits to the account will not be included.

If you want to enter both prize draws, you need to register by 30 November 2024.

When will the draws take place

The first draw will take place by 20 December 2024 and will include customers who registered on or before 30 November and completed at least 11 Debit Mastercard transactions in November

The second draw will take place by 20 January 2025 and will include customers who registered on or before 31 December and completed at least 11 Debit Mastercard transactions in December.

Terms and conditions

Frequently asked questions

No current account with us yet?

Read more about our current account range and find out how you can open and switch an account over to us.

All current accounts


Danske Reward   |   Danske Choice   |   Danske Freedom (18 - 27 years old)


Our winners

Our December draw has taken place and our 100 lucky winners have received their prizes.

Our second draw will take place by 20 January 2025.

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