Couple buying car

Fixed Rate Personal Loan

From home improvements to buying a car - a Danske Fixed Rate Personal Loan could help spread the cost.

Why this loan might be right for you

  • Single or joint applications
  • Apply through eBanking (single or joint applications) or Mobile Banking (single applications), and you could have a loan decision in minutes *
  • Borrow between £1,000 and £25,000
  • Repay your loan over 1 to 5 years
  • Loan repayments are fixed for the term and will remain the same whether interest rates rise or fall
  • If you hold a Freedom, Choice Plus or Prestige account with us, a discounted rate is available
  • You can make overpayments as often as you like
  • No early repayment charge
  • We can tell you how much you need to clear your loan early
  • No arrangement fee

Check you're eligible to apply

You can apply for a Fixed Rate Personal Loan if you’re an existing customer, 18 or over and a UK resident.

  • If you’re self employed you’ll need to provide your gross yearly income from your most recent SA302 along with a copy of your Tax Year overview
  • If you apply for a loan, we’ll complete a credit search for all applicants, which will leave a footprint on each credit file.

Your application may be affected if you’ve:

  • had an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), a County Court Judgement (CCJ) or been declared bankrupt in the last 6 years
  • Defaulted on any balances
  • Missed or made late payments on a credit or store card, loan or finance agreement (including mobile phone bills)

Calculate what your monthly loan repayments could be

Loan Details

(This quote is based on our standard fixed personal loan rate and is for illustration purposes only)


  1. 0
  2. 0%
  3. 7.4%
  4. 0

Representative example

7.4% APR Representative. Based on a loan amount of £10,000 over 60 months at an interest rate of 7.4% p.a. (fixed). Monthly repayment £198.77. Total amount payable £11,926.20.

How to apply or find out more

eBanking customers can apply online by clicking the button below:

Apply through eBanking

Not registered for eBanking? You can visit our Register for eBanking page.

Important information

  • Whether we provide credit depends on your circumstances.
  • Lending terms and conditions apply.
  • This personal loan is not available to buy property or land (not even the deposit); for any speculative purpose (such as investments, stocks and shares, or gambling); for any business purpose; to fund living expenses or for anything illegal.
  • Repayments must be made from a Danske Bank personal current account.
  • eBanking may be temporarily unavailable when we are carrying out routine maintenance.

If your application is successful, we'll send you an email with a link to your loan documents if you have given us your mobile number and email address (this is digital signing). Otherwise, your loan documents will be posted to you. We may send text messages to you during the application process.

* Sometimes a decision may take longer if we have to give an application more consideration.

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