Budget Calculator

Our budget calculator can help give you a better understanding of where your money is being spent and how much you'll have left over at the end of each month. Reviewing your spending on a regular basis can help you to budget more effectively, can help you to determine any unnecessary costs and if you have money left over, to understand how much could be put aside for any unexpected events which might arise in the future.

Monthly Income (If paid weekly or every two weeks, multiply payments up)

Monthly Expenditure (If some payments are made weekly or every two weeks, multiply payments up)

Other Monthly Living Expenses


Total Monthly Income:
– Total Monthly Expenditure:
– Total Monthly Living Expenses:
Money left over each month:


Next Steps

Now that you have an idea of what your monthly income and outgoings are, as well as how much you have left over at the end of the month, here are some suggested next steps, depending on your circumstances.

Help with managing repayments

Find out what options may be available if you are concerned with repayments on a Danske loan, mortgage, overdraft or credit card.

Learn more

Financial Difficulty

If you find yourself in financial difficulty, we're here to help. Speak to us as soon as possible to see what support we can offer.

Learn more

Managing money well

MoneyHelper has a series of helpful guides from living on a budget to saving money on household bills.

Learn more (external)

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