Danske Bank Exchange Rates (UK)

Current and historic rates

View the current Danske Bank Exchange Rate (UK) for transactions up to and equal to £25,000 sterling equivalent (not including card transactions).

You can also view historic rates for a specific date.

Danske Bank (UK) exchange rates

  • Foreign currency icon Dollars pounds Sterling and Japanese Yen coins

View rates

The Danske Bank Exchange Rate (UK) that will apply to a particular transaction will depend upon:

  • the currency
  • whether you, as the customer, are buying or selling the currency
  • whether the transaction is a cash or a non cash transaction


Please note rates may be updated during the day (8am to 5pm Mon - Fri except for bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank is not open for business).

You can also view historic rates for a specific date however if you need to know the historic rate that applied at a specific time on any date please contact us on 0345 600 2882.

Lines are open Monday to Friday 8am - 6pm, Sat 9am - 1pm and closed Sunday, except for bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank is not open for business. We may record or monitor calls to confirm details of our conversations, and for verification and quality purposes. Call charges may vary. Please contact your phone company for details.

For transactions greater than £25,000 sterling equivalent the rate of exchange will always be at least equal to the published Danske Bank Exchange Rate (UK) at the applicable time. If you wish to agree the rate of exchange before carrying out the transaction, please contact your branch or Relationship Manager.

Fees and service charges may apply. Please refer to our Fees and service charges explained PDF.

The Danske Bank Exchange Rate (UK) does not cover card transactions.

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