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Danske Bank’s committed to conducting business with integrity, and to doing the right thing for our customers, our colleagues and society; it’s at the core of our corporate identity. We strive to conduct our business with skill, care, and diligence.

If you’ve a concern related to Danske Bank's business ethics, working environment or any other issues of serious concern affecting Danske Bank, you can report it through our Whistleblowing site.

This service helps ensure that wrongdoing or suspicions can be reported and investigated by a dedicated team of Whistleblowing specialists and investigators.

Anonymity and confidentiality

Anyone who’s a concern they wish to report is encouraged to do so using our dedicated Whistleblowing site, enabling individuals to raise concerns in complete confidence and, if preferred, anonymously.

What should be reported?

You should use this service to report suspected misconduct and/or irregularities, such as fraudulent, inappropriate, dishonest, illegal, or negligent activity or behaviour. These may arise from a breach of law, regulation or Danske’s own policies and standards.

It’s not intended for reporting complaints about a product or service you have. A complaint which relates solely to a product or service provided to you is unlikely to be classified as a whistleblow. In general, whistleblowing claims should be in the wider public interest, that is, it should affect others, for example the general public.

To raise a complaint relating specifically to a product or service provided to you, we recommend that you do this by our ‘Feedback, Compliments and Complaints’ form.

To continue to raise a whistleblowing concern, click the button below.

Go to the whistleblowing site
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