Man and woman sitting on bonnet of classic car with a dog

Danske Choice Plus Savings Account

Exclusively available to existing Danske Choice Plus current account holders.

  • Interest rate 2.65%.


  • Easy access to your money when you need it.
  • 24/7 access to your account through eBanking or Mobile Banking.
  • No limit to your savings.

Summary box


What is the interest rate?         

Current interest rate
Balance Gross/AER
All credit balances 2.65%
Interest rate with effect from 25 March 2025
Balance Gross/AER
All credit balances 2.50%

Interest is calculated daily and paid into your account at the end of October each year.


Can Danske Bank change the interest rate?

  • Yes, this rate is variable. We can increase or decrease the credit interest rate for any of the reasons set out in the General Terms and Conditions - Personal Banking. For further information, refer to Clause 16.2.
  • We’ll give you 2 months’ notice of any reductions to the credit interest rate, allowing you to review your savings options.
  • We may increase the credit interest rate immediately and advise you on your next statement.


What would the estimated balance be after 12 months based on a £1,000 deposit?

Initial deposit at account opening Estimated interest earned after 12 months Estimated balance after 12 months
£1,000.00 £26.50 £1,026.50

This estimate is for illustration only and assumes that:

  • no further deposits or withdrawals are made;
  • there is no change to the interest rate; and
  • interest is added to the account at the end of the 12 month period.


How do I open and manage my account?

  • You must be at least 18 years old and already hold a Danske Choice Plus Package. You must also be registered for eBanking.
  • You can open your account in branch or by phone.
  • You can amend any other adult instant access savings account you hold in Danske Bank (excluding a Cash ISA) to a Danske Choice Plus Savings Account by phone or in branch. You must be an active eBanking user to request this change.
  • You must use eBanking or Mobile Banking to manage this account.
  • You can open and maintain the account with as little as £1.
  • There is no maximum amount of funds you can hold in the account.
  • We'll send you a paper statement at least every 6 months unless you've asked to receive them electronically with eBanking. You can ask to change to electronic statements at any time using our Go Paperless form.


Can I withdraw money?

  • Yes, you can withdraw money using eBanking or Mobile Banking.
  • Some withdrawal limits may apply depending on the service you are using. Take a look at our payment table (PDF) for everything you need to know.


Additional information

  • Interest is paid ‘gross’. This means that we do not deduct tax from the interest we pay. Depending on your personal circumstances, you may have to pay tax on your interest.
  • AER means ‘annual equivalent rate’. It tells you how much interest you’d earn if you put money in an account and left it there for a full year. It includes how often the interest is paid and assumes any interest paid during that year is added to the balance and earns interest.
  • This account is not suitable for day-to-day banking.
  • Rate correct as at 10/01/2025.

The information provided in this summary box includes the key features of the account only and is not intended to be a substitute for reading the terms and conditions that apply to the account.

PDF icon Download summary box as PDF

Digital Banking services information

  • Our Mobile Banking app is available for iOS and Android devices.
  • Our eBanking and Mobile Banking app may be temporarily unavailable when we are carrying out routine maintenance.

Important information

Terms and Conditions (PDF)

Fees and Service charges explained (PDF)

Savings Interest Rates

Apply in branch or by phone

You must already hold a Choice Plus current account. You must also be registered for eBanking.

You can open your account in branch or by phone.

0345 600 2882
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