Lost or Stolen Phone

If your phone is lost or has been stolen, please follow the steps below:

  1. Contact our Customer Support team as soon as possible on 0800 032 4368 (24hr telephone service) to suspend your eBanking agreement temporarily in order to prevent unauthorised access to your account.
  2. If you have a Danske Bank debit or credit card set up to use through Google Pay, Apple Pay or other providers, we can suspend your card for use via the Digital Wallet in order to prevent them being used through contactless payments. This won’t impact the use of your physical card(s). We’ll check your account for fraudulent transactions on the call.
  3. If your eBanking agreement has been suspended, you can still withdraw cash from ATMs or from any of our branches, as long as you have photographic ID with you. You can also contact our Customer Support team to make a transfer.

    There is a £5 transfer fee charged if a transfer is made to an external account.

If you get your phone back or get a new phone

Contact our Customer Support team on 0345 603 1534 to have your eBanking suspension lifted, enabling you to log back on to eBanking or the Mobile Bank app.

If the Danske ID app was blocked, you’ll have to reactivate the Danske ID app in order to gain access to eBanking, approve payments over £1,000 within the mobile bank app and approve online card payments.

Remember you will need your eBanking user id and passcode to activate the Danske ID app (these are the same details you use to log on to the Mobile Bank app). If you can’t remember your user id, you can contact Customer Support on 0345 603 1534.

Go to the app store, search for Danske ID and download the app. Then follow the instructions on screen.

You may find the below helpful

How to Install and activate Danske ID video guide Step by step Danske ID activation guide

Important: It is only possible to have the Danske ID app active on one device at a time. Any previously activated device will be deactivated when you choose to activate Danske ID on a new device.

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