Account Balance Service
Keep on top of your cash with alerts. They are a good way to keep an eye on your personal finances. To get your balance sent to you by text or email fill in the form below.
* Please complete all mandatory fields.
Your Details
The information provided here must match the information held on our systems or we will be unable to opt you in for this service.
If you would like to update your phone number or email address please contact us by phone where we can also opt you in for these account services.
Account Details
Other Accounts
Terms and Conditions
To setup this Account Balance Service you must read and agree to our Terms and Conditions.
The information you provide will be held by Danske Bank UK. We'll use it to process your request and help manage this account(s) and any services used. By continuing, you confirm you're happy with this and that you've had a chance to read the how we use personal information guide.
When you click ‘Send’ you also agree to send your information to us at Danske Bank.