Junior Savings Account - Application Form

Follow the steps below and you will discover just how easy it is to open a Junior Savings Account!

Step 1

Scan or take a picture of the child's identity document and save this for use later

Step 2

Complete the online application below

Step 3

Upload the child’s identity document to the Danske Junior Savings upload portal

Step 4

We will process the application and in a couple of days the account is ready to use!

* Please fill all the mandatory fields.

Step One - Your details..

 Enter alphabetical characters only
 Your mobile number should consist of 11 digits
 Your sort code consists of 6 digits starting with 95XXXX
 Your account number consists of 8 digits
 Parent/Legal guardian must be at least 18 years old to apply

  We need you to give us your email address and mobile number so that we can contact you about the opening and operation of this account. We will not send you marketing messages unless you have previously given us your explicit consent.


Step Two - Introduce us to the Child..

 Enter alphabetical characters only
 Enter alphabetical characters only
 To be eligible to apply for this account, confirmation is required that the child lives in Northern Ireland

Step Three - Questions we need to ask..

Step Four - Statements and other correspondence..

  As this is a digital application, the majority of communications and documents will be sent to your personal email, with the exception of the account agreement and statements which you will receive in the post.

  As this is a digital application, the majority of communications and documents will be sent to your personal email, with the exception of the account agreement which will be sent to your secure mail in eBanking.

Your statements

You can select to make all statements and other transaction information for your accounts available digitally in your Electronic Mailbox. Please select your preference from the options below.

Note: By choosing to receive this information in your Electronic Mailbox, you agree that your account(s) will be "paper free" and you will not be provided with paper statements, or other transaction information on paper, except for credit cards if you have chosen this option.

You can change your statement preferences at any time by contacting the Bank.

Step Five - Declarations..

Danske Junior Savings Terms & Conditions

For your own benefit and protection and that of the child, you should read the following documents carefully before proceeding.

If you do not understand any point, please contact us on 0800 660 033.

 You must agree in order to proceed

Financial Services Compensation Scheme

Your eligible deposits with Northern Bank Limited trading as Danske Bank are protected up to a total of £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's deposit protection scheme. Any deposit you hold above the £85,000 limit are unlikely to be covered.

 You must agree in order to proceed

The information you provide will be held by Danske Bank UK. We'll use it to process your request and help manage this account(s) and any services used. By continuing, you confirm you're happy with this and that you've had a chance to read the how we use personal information guide.

  • Summary Edit

    Please check the details you have provided in this application form. If any of the information is incorrect, please go back and amend accordingly.

    By clicking 'Submit' you confirm that the information you have given is true and complete and that you want us to process the application.

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