
Geoblocking allows you to restrict the use of your card to certain parts of the world, and to prevent it being used for internet transactions, reducing the likelihood of fraud.

You can easily manage the Geoblocking settings using eBanking or the Mobile Banking App.

To set it up

  • eBanking

    1. Log on.
    2. Click 'Cards & currency'.
    3. Select ‘Card Overview’.
    4. Click on the card you want to activate.
    5. Select ‘Where you can use your card’.
    6. Click ‘Edit Security Settings’.
    7. Select the parts of the world where you want your card to work.
    8. If you need, choose whether your card will work for internet purchases.
  • On the Mobile Banking App

    1. Log on.
    2. Tap ‘Cards’ at the top of your screen.
    3. Tap the card you want to authorise.
    4. Select ‘Card settings’.
    5. Select ‘Using your card abroad’ choose where the card can be used.
    6. Scroll down the page to the list of destinations abroad.
    7. Select the parts of the world where you want your card to work.
    8. If you need, choose whether your card will work for internet purchases.
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