Scammers posing as sellers list non-existent items for sale on sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Done Deal. You send money but the goods never arrive, and the seller disappears.
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You should complete this form if you feel you’ve been a victim of one of the following scams. It's important to provide honest and accurate information to help us address the issue effectively.
Submit your scam claim Submit your scam claimThis form is to be used if you have transferred money to a UK sort code and account number and believe you have fallen victim to a scam.
In some circumstances we may apply a £100 excess – meaning you pay the first £100 of the claim (if claim is over £100).
For further information on how the bank deals with your personal information please refer to how we use personal and business information.
We take scam allegations seriously within the industry. Information about the beneficiary account will be shared with the Receiving Firm for investigation and may lead to actions against the beneficiary account holder, such as account closure, law enforcement referral, and entry into industry fraud databases, potentially affecting their future access to financial services.
Scammers posing as sellers list non-existent items for sale on sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Done Deal. You send money but the goods never arrive, and the seller disappears.
Where you're convinced to move your money into a fictitious fund or to pay for what later turns out to be a fake investment.
Scammers use the illusion of a romantic relationship to gain your trust. They ask for money or create opportunities for you to offer funds to them, often claiming that it is an emergency.
Scammers convince you to pay a fee to release a much larger payment, or as a deposit for high-value goods and holidays. Sometimes connected to employment offers or as an 'admin' fee for a loan or lottery win.
Scammers pretend to be the CEO or another senior official of a firm, to convince you to make a payment (often urgent in nature) to an account in their control.
When account details on a bill or invoice are changed, or emails are intercepted, so you pay money to an account that is controlled by a scammer
When a scammer contacts you pretending to be the bank, law enforcement, a business or a friend, to convince you to send money to them or to a ‘secure /safe accounts.
Scammers posing as sellers list non-existent items for sale on sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Gumtree, Done Deal. You send money but the goods never arrive, and the seller disappears.
Where you're convinced to move your money into a fictitious fund or to pay for what later turns out to be a fake investment.
Scammers use the illusion of a romantic relationship to gain your trust. They ask for money or create opportunities for you to offer funds to them, often claiming that it is an emergency.
Scammers convince you to pay a fee to release a much larger payment, or as a deposit for high-value goods and holidays. Sometimes connected to employment offers or as an 'admin' fee for a loan or lottery win.
Scammers pretend to be the CEO or another senior official of a firm, to convince you to make a payment (often urgent in nature) to an account in their control.
When account details on a bill or invoice are changed, or emails are intercepted, so you pay money to an account that is controlled by a scammer.
When a scammer contacts you pretending to be the bank, law enforcement, a business or a friend, to convince you to send money to them or to a ‘secure /safe account’.
* Please complete all mandatory fields as openly and accurately as possible.
This form is only for Authorised Push Payment (APP) scam claims where you have made a transfer(s) from your account.
If you have been the victim of a scam that involved your debit or credit card, you can raise a case on our Card Disputes page.
This form is only for Authorised Push Payment (APP) scam claims where you have made a transfer(s) from your account.
If you have been the victim of a scam that involved your debit or credit card, you can raise a case on our Card Disputes page.
Have you noticed unauthorised card transactions, payments or cheques from your account?
Please contact us immediately on our 24 hour telephone service by calling 0800 917 7657.
(If you don't have an email address, enter N/A)
(the account the money was sent from)
Please select the type of scam you want to report. If you aren't sure what option to select, click on theicon beside each option for more information.
You can email additional evidence for example, emails, screenshots, communications or documentation with the recipient, to scamclaims@danskebank.co.uk. Please include your name and postcode in the email, so we know which claim this relates to.
Please upload all relevant files, for example emails, screenshots, communications or documentation with the recipient if you have them. *
You can attach up to 10 files and they should be in JPEG/JPG, PNG, GIF, Word/docx, or PDF format. Files shouldn't be more than 4MB in size and the file name shouldn't exceed 24 characters, including spaces.
You can search for your saved documents on your device by using the 'Browse files' button below - you can upload one document at a time (this may take a few seconds). The name you have saved your document will be the reference we see when you upload it.
If you don't have all the files to have you can send them separately to scamclaims@danskebank.co.uk. Please include your name and postcode in the email, so we know which claim this relates to.
Please review your responses, then select 'Yes' to submit.
The information you provide will be held by Danske Bank UK. We'll use it to process your request and help manage this account(s) and any services used.
By continuing, you confirm you're happy with this and that you've had a chance to read the how we use personal information guide.
We'll look into your claim and this involves contacting the receiving banks on your behalf regarding the scam.
We aim to have this resolved for you within 5 business days.
In some cases, we may need more information from you. We'll be in touch to let you know if we do. A claim can take a maximum of 35 business days.
If you have any queries please contact us on scamclaims@danskebank.co.uk.