Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) Complaints

The deadline to submit a PPI complaint about mis-sale or non-disclosure of commission by 29 August 2019 has now passed.

If you have already made an enquiry or a complaint before the deadline, you don't need to do anything further – we’ll be in touch with an update as soon as we can.

If there is a delay, and your complaint has been upheld, you will not be disadvantaged. We will ensure that any interest is back dated.

If you made an enquiry asking whether you had PPI before the deadline, and we find you had a PPI policy, we’ll automatically open a complaint for you, so you don’t need to do anything else to make a complaint.

If you’ve authorised a Claims Management Company to make an enquiry or complaint on your behalf before the deadline, we’ll update them, so please contact them directly if you want an update.

Making a complaint after 29 August 2019

If you didn’t make a complaint about the sale of your PPI policy (or non-disclosure of commission) on or before 29 August 2019, you can only ask us to review your policy for either of the reasons below:

Exceptional circumstances

If there were exceptional circumstances that stopped you from complaining on or before 29 August 2019, you may be able to complain to us, or to the Financial Ombudsman Service, even though the deadline has now passed. Please note the complaint will only be investigated if we agree that the failure to complain before the deadline was due to exceptional circumstances.

Rejected Claims

You can also complain after the 29 August 2019 deadline if your PPI policy was still active on 29 August 2017 and you have had a claim on the policy rejected because of eligibility issues, exclusions or limitations in the policy. To be considered the complaint must relate specifically to the rejection of the claim.

If you’re not sure, you can contact us on 0345 600 2882 to discuss.

If you’re unhappy about how we’ve handled your complaint

If you are unhappy with our final decision, you can refer to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) External link icon for additional information on how to use this free and independent service.

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