Invoice Finance Related Complaints

We are committed to providing a high standard of customer service. If you are not satisfied with any part of our service, we have procedures in place to deal with your concerns effectively and in the correct way.

Step One

If you want to make a complaint in relation to your invoice finance facility please follow Step One of our internal complaints procedure, in the first instance.

Step Two

We aim to resolve all complaints internally. However, if you are not happy with how we have handled your complaint regarding your invoice finance facility you may be eligible to have the matter considered through the independent Invoice Finance and Asset Based Finance Standards Framework (IFABL) complaints process.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will not currently consider complaints which relate mainly to invoice-finance agreements with business customers. (If you have such an agreement it will be called a 'business invoice finance agreement').

However, depending on the nature and size of the complainant and a number of other factors, the service might consider a complaint which relates mainly to wider regulated financial services but which also has an invoice finance element.

Invoice Finance and Asset Based Finance Standards Framework (IFABL) Complaints Process

If your complaint is about a Danske Bank invoice finance facility and:

  • you are not satisfied with our final response; or
  • we have sent you a 'deadlock' letter;

you may be eligible to have the matter considered through the independent Invoice Finance and Asset Based Finance Standards Framework (IFABL) complaints process. This is administered by UK Finance and further details are available on the UK Finance website External link icon.

Eligible complaints must meet the following conditions:

  • The complaint must relate to factoring, invoice discounting, asset-based lending or proposed lending.
  • You must refer the case to UK Finance within six months of the date on our final response or deadlock letter.
  • The annual turnover (revenue) of your business must not be more than £6.5million a year (according to the last audited accounts).
  • The action or actions relating to your complaint must have taken place on or after 1 July 2013.
  • You must not be seeking a financial award of more than £28,000 in relation to the dispute. This is the maximum award that can be made under this process.

You should send your complaint to:

UK Finance
5th Floor
1 Angel Court

Phone: 44(0)20 39341456

UK Finance will log the complaint and immediately pass it to The Ombudsman Service Limited, which is a specialist dispute-resolution organisation and is a member of The Ombudsman Association.

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