Keeping yourself safe

A few things to bear in mind when lodging or withdrawing larger sums of cash

We take your safety and security very seriously, and that’s why we recommend that when you’re lodging or withdrawing significant sums of cash, you take a few precautions.

We know that it’s not practical or economically viable for some of you to use a Cash in Transit Company like G4S or RMS, so it’s important that you make things as difficult as possible for a would-be thief.

The majority of criminals don’t have normal daytime jobs and have plenty of time to keep an eye on bank premises and any regular customers – like you.

But there are things you can do if you need to lodge or withdraw cash regularly - here are a few basic tips that will help protect both you and your money:


  • Be discreet

    Don’t tell others that you’re going to the bank – not even your friends and family. Consider making smaller lodgements.
  • Vary your routine

    Try going to the bank at different times and don't always go on the same day of the week. Even visit different branches if it’s convenient (you can also lodge and withdraw money at the Post Office).

    As well as that, use different vehicles or at least try to vary where you park.

  • Be vigilant

    Check the immediate area around the bank before you leave the security of your vehicle. Look for people acting suspiciously or vehicles (including motorcycles) with their engines running.

    If you wear a uniform that identifies where you work, cover it up when calling into the branch.

  • Have someone with you

    It’s a good idea to have someone with you – this will make it more difficult for a criminal to decide which one of you is carrying the money, and gives you the added security of extra eyes and ears.

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