Danske £10 Note

Design features


Danske Bank 10 pount note front

Size: 142 x 75 mm
Colour: green

Portrait of JB Dunlop
New Danske Bank Logo.
Bicycle bottom left hand corner.
The letters NB or the number 10 appears in the cog wheel designs. The words Northern Bank written in concentric patterns within the 4 corners of the note.


Danske Bank 10 pount note back

Size: 142 x 75 mm
Colour: green

City Hall Belfast dome
The words Northern Bank appear in microtext in the green sections to the top and lower right of the rear of the note and along the upper right edge of the City Hall Pediment.
The letters NB appear in the cog wheel designs within the large £10.

Security Features - Feel

Security Features - Look

Compare the note

Always compare both sides of a suspect note with another note that you know to be genuine, looking for differences between the two. Make sure you check the size of a suspect note against a known genuine note.

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