This page is for Third Party Providers (TPPs) and software developers. Not a developer? Visit our webpage for customers

Open Banking for Third Party Providers

We believe Open Banking can give our customers access to new products and services and will increase innovation in financial services. We’ve already collaborated with TPPs to give our customers access to some of these new services and will continue to increase the APIs and channels we support.

Before we can onboard you, you must be registered with the FCA or another European regulator and enrolled in the Open Banking Directory.

You can find more information on how to get started with us below or visit our Developer Portal.

Getting started

  • Get enrolled

    You must be registered with the FCA or another European regulator to enroll in the Open Banking Directory.

    Once you’ve enrolled and signed up for access to Open Banking, you can find our details in the OB Directory by searching ‘Northern Bank Limited t/a Danske Bank’

    In the Directory you can find our well-known / OpenID configurations for Danske Bank Personal and Danske Bank Business which will show you:

    • Our registration endpoint
    • Supported authorisation methods
    • Authorisation and token endpoint URIs
    • Other information you may find useful.
  • Onboarding with Danske Bank

    We support dynamic client registration endpoint to onboard to Danske Bank Personal, Danske Bank Business or both.

    Please visit our Developer Portal for all information on our supported APIs and supporting documentation including information on our well-known configurations for Danske Bank Personal, Danske Bank Business and information on the locations of our branches and ATMs and on our financial products.

    You can get more information on dynamic client registration in the Open Banking specifications.

Next steps

Once your registration request is received, we’ll respond with your client credentials which will identify you in all future Open Banking requests. You must ensure this information is held securely and not shared with any other companies.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to onboard with us. You can get more information on the Open Banking Directory specifications and guidelines for Read/Write Participants on the Open Banking Developer Zone.

If you have any issues with onboarding please send an email to:

TPP/developer FAQs

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