User ID

  • Your user ID

    When you establish a District agreement, you get a user ID. The assigned user ID is stated in the agreement document appendix. If you do not have the appendix, you can retrieve your user ID in the following ways:

    • In the letter you received together with the eSafeID device for District.
    • In District ' User Administration', if another user on your agreement has the required access rights.
    • Contact District Customer Support on 028 9031 1377 or +44 2890 311377 if you are calling from outside the UK.

    Your user ID is an important part of District security. Together with your password your eSafeID device or the Danske ID app, it ensures that only you have access to District.

    A user ID consists of six numbers or five numbers and a letter, e.g. 222222 or 2A2222. Please note that the letter will always come second in the last sequence.

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