Payments and Transfers

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Making a payment on District

    Follow the instructions below or get in touch with our dedicated District Customer Support team.

    1. Once you’ve logged on to District, select ‘Payments,’ then ‘Create Payments’.
    2. Enter the payment you wish to make, including the payment type. You can save these payment details along with other payments you have set up by ticking the box. If you leave the box unticked, the payment will be saved and can be authorised individually
    3. If you have sufficient access, you’ll be able to save the payment as a creditor. You can then use the Creditor ID (short name or reference) for future payments.
    4. You’ll also have the option of creating further payments or you can progress with authorising the current payment.
    5. If you can authorise payments alone you can do this straight away. If you operate two jointly, the person providing the second authorisation can access the ‘List of outgoing payments’ and choose to authorise the payment.
    6. You can authorise payments with your password, which counts as your digital signature.

    If you require further assistance please contact us.

    District Customer Support
    UK Number International Number Opening hours
    02890 311377 +44 2890 311377 Mon - Thurs: 8am - 6pm
    Fri: 8am - 5pm
    Weekends: Closed

    We may record or monitor calls to confirm details of our conversations, and for training and quality purposes. Lines are open at the times shown above, except for bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank is not open for business.

  • Tracing a payment

    If the payment has not been received and you wish to trace it, you can let us know via eBanking secure messaging or by contacting your account manager.

    Please be aware that we charge a £10 fee to investigate payments that have not reached their intended recipient, unless it's as a result of a mistake on our part.

  • If a beneficiary has not received a payment

    You can contact us by sending us a secure message or by contacting your account manager.

  • If you want to cancel a payment

    You have the option to cancel the payment in District.

    If you require further assistance please contact us.

    District Customer Support
    UK Number International Number Opening hours
    02890 311377 +44 2890 311377 Mon - Thurs: 8am - 6pm
    Fri: 8am - 5pm
    Weekends: Closed

    We may record or monitor calls to confirm details of our conversations, and for training and quality purposes. Lines are open at the times shown above, except for bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank is not open for business.

  • Bacs: Hints and Tips

    What is Bacs?

    Bacs is the company that runs the UK Direct Credit Payment Scheme, which is used to pay wages, salaries and supplier invoices. Bacs also runs the UK Direct Debit scheme.

    Sending a payment by Bacs is a three day process:

    Days Which means…
    Input day
    (day 1)
    Payment files are submitted into Bacs. Files can be submitted up to one month in advance, therefore day 1 of the 3 day cycle will become Input day and not the day the file is submitted.
    Processing day
    (day 2)
    Payment files are accepted, processed through Bacs and passed to the receiving banks.
    Payment day
    (day 3)
    For direct credits (e.g. wages) the beneficiary’s account is credited and the Service User’s account debited. For direct debits the beneficiary’s account is debited and the Service User’s account credited.

    File Extraction: Bacs files can only be extracted on or before day 1 of the 3 day cycle.

    Service Users should call the Bacs Helpdesk (0345 603 4615) if they require an extraction.

    Date Amendment: Bacs Helpdesk can amend the processing date on a Bacs payment either on or before day 1 of the 3 day cycle.

    Phone number Opening hours
    Bacs Helpdesk 0345 603 4615

    Bacs Service Users can access the most up to date Guides on the Bacs website

    Service Users can also call the Bacs Service Desk after 5pm if the call is deemed urgent on 03701 650 018

    Mon – Fri : 9am to 5pm

Want to get in touch?

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