Bounce Back Loan - Support for your repayments - Pay as You Grow options
The Government has announced that businesses will be given more time to repay bounce back loans under a “Pay As You Grow” initiative.
The below sets out more information on the Government’s Pay As You Grow options, which provide support for your repayments on your Bounce Back Loan.
You can apply for a Pay As You Grow option 30 days before your first repayment is due using the application form below. In order for your Pay As You Grow option to take effect the month you apply, you must return your signed documentation to us no later than 10 days before your payment is due. Documentation received after this time will be processed and the option applied the following month.
Pay As You Grow
The Government has announced Pay As You Grow options for Bounce Back Loan borrowers to help businesses get back to regular trading. Pay As You Grow could give you more time and flexibility to pay back your loan.
Pay As You Grow options will be available to you in advance of the repayments of your Bounce Back Loan commencing 12 months after the Bounce Back Loan was drawn. We will write to you around three months before your first payment is due to give you more information on how you can apply for the PAYG options.
Using these options won’t affect your credit score, or negatively affect your credit file. We may use requests for Pay As You Grow options to help us assess affordability in future lending applications, for example we will take into consideration incomings and outgoings, including existing debt repayments such as the Bounce Back Loan, and also your total debt exposure, which will include the outstanding Bounce Back Loan.
The options available to you when you are due to make your first payment after 12 months are as follows:
1. If you expect to be in a better position to repay in the future
- You could reduce your monthly repayments for six months by paying interest only.
- This option is available up to three times during the term of your Bounce Back Loan.
- On a loan of £35,000 this would reduce monthly payments from £621 to £73 during the six-month period.
- The total amount you owe will go up. This is because your interest costs increase as you’re repaying your loan over a longer period.
- You can use our calculator to see how monthly payments and total loan cost might change under these PAYG options.
- You could take a payment holiday for six months.
- This option is available once during the term of your Bounce Back Loan.
- You’ll make no capital repayments or interest payments during this time.
- The total you owe will go up. This is because your interest costs increase as interest accrues during the payment holiday and you’re repaying your loan over a longer period.
- You can use our calculator to see how monthly payments and total loan cost might change under these PAYG options.
2. If you’re only able to repay a smaller amount
You could request an extension of your loan term from six years to 10 years at the same interest rate of 2.5%.
- Extending to 10 years would reduce monthly payments on a loan of £35,000 from £621 to £362.
- You’ll accrue more interest, so the total amount repayable on a £35,000 loan would increase to £39,096, unless you repay early.
- You can use our calculator to see how monthly payments and total loan cost might change under these PAYG options.
- If you’re considering this option you should think carefully about your ability to repay over a longer timeframe, taking into account such things as if you intend to cease trading or retire within the revised term of your Bounce Back Loan.
Please note for all three options that the total amount you owe will go up. This is because your interest costs increase as you’re repaying your loan over a longer period.
You can use options 1 and 2 together if you need to. Both options 1a and 1b will be available throughout the course of your loan term.
Watch the video to learn more about PAYG .
If you are worried about your finances, you can contact us at any time to discuss your individual situation. Your dedicated Relationship Manager or Small Business Advisor are available to support you. If you don't have a Relationship Manager or Small Business Advisor you can contact us on 0800 633 5783.
You can also review our webpage on financial difficulties for further information & support.
If you are a Danske Bank Bounce Back Loan customer and are eligible to apply for Pay As You Grow, you can apply now.
Apply nowDigital Signing for faster applications
Digital Signing will help us process your application, on average, up to five days quicker. Documents are delivered straight to our secure Digital Signing Portal, allowing you to sign your application wherever you are, and it's not just for Pay As You Grow!
Digital Signing is available to our customers who are registered and using our online business banking platform, District. For more information see our Digital Signing page.
If you are not a District customer, but want to take advantage of Digital Signing now and in the future, please see our District page and we will be happy to arrange access to our online banking solutions for you.
Support to repay your Bounce Back Loan
If you received a Bounce Back Loan, you were granted a payment holiday for the first year of your loan, with the interest being paid for by the Government via a Business Interruption Payment. After the first 12 months, you will need to start making monthly repayments to repay the amount you borrowed (known as ‘capital’), plus interest from the date your repayment holiday ends.
We will send you correspondence, reminding you of your first monthly repayment date and your monthly repayment amount, around three months before your first payment is due. This correspondence will also give you more information on how you can apply for the Pay As You Grow options, as set out below.
If you no longer need the loan, you can choose to pay it back early by contacting your Relationship Manager or Branch. You’ll then pay less interest. There are no early repayment charges and you won’t pay any interest if you pay the full amount before the end of your initial 12-month repayment holiday.
Or you can make a one-off repayment, as well as additional payments on a regular basis, and doing so will also help save you money on your interest payments. Please note that one-off and additional payments are considered to be in excess of your monthly repayment.
Other business finance support options
In addition, the British Business Bank has a range of guidance and resources available to all businesses, including content on managing your cashflow and a list of independent advice services.
You can find these resources on their website using the link below:
Guidance and ResourcesWe’re here to help
We will send you correspondence, reminding you of your first monthly repayment date and your monthly repayment amount, around three months before your first payment is due. This correspondence will also give you more information on how you can apply for the PAYG options. You can apply for a Pay As You Grow option 30 days before your first repayment is due.
However if you’re worried about your finances, please review our web page on financial difficulty.
Reminder of your Bounce Back Loan terms and conditions
When you applied for your Bounce Back Loan, you declared that you understood that:
- You are fully liable for all repayments, and if you are unable to meet these obligations, this could negatively affect your credit score.
- The 100% government guarantee is provided to cover any losses the lender makes and does not cover any losses that you might suffer if you are unable to meet your payment obligations.
- We would not carry out any affordability checks on your application.
For the full set of declarations you made, please refer to your Bounce Back Loan facility letter.

BBLS is delivered by the British Business Bank, through Danske Bank as an accredited lender.
Managed by the British Business Bank on behalf of, and with the financial backing of, the Secretary of State for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. British Business Bank plc is a development bank wholly owned by HM Government. It is not authorised or regulated by the PRA or the FCA. Visit .
The provision of the BBLS guarantee does not imply any endorsement or warranty of Danske Bank from the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy or the UK Government.