Adding New Cardholders

If you would like to apply for a new cardholder to have a debit or deposit card on your business current account, take a look at our options below to help you.

You must fill in a separate application for each new cardholder

You can either:

  • Apply for a debit card which allows the cardholder to withdraw cash at a cash machine and/or pay for goods and services at any point of sale (retail) outlet.
  • Apply for a deposit only card which is used solely for the purposes of depositing cash at Post Offices.

The level of authority you give to your cardholder(s) is entirely at your own discretion.

Is your account managed in Branch or by Small Business?

If your account is managed by your local Branch or Small Business Advisor you can now apply to add a new cardholder via the link below.

To add a new cardholder to your business current account simply click the ‘apply now’ button below and complete all relevant details on the form.

Apply Now

You should then expect to hear from us within 5-7 business days.

Alternatively, for all other business entities if you wish to add an additional cardholder to your account you can either contact your dedicated Relationship Manager or select the links below to complete a paper application.

Authorised signatory information form (to authorise us to electronically identify you)

DownloadDownload PDF

Application for an additional cardholder

DownloadDownload PDF

How to submit completed paper application forms

If you have chosen to complete a paper application to add a new cardholder to your business account, you can submit your completed cardholder application and signatory information form in one of the following ways:

  • If you are an active District user, please scan the documents in full colour and submit via the secure message function within District. We cannot accept documents submitted to us via email.

  • Leave the signed paper documents into your local branch marked for the attention of: “Service Team, Business Customer Support, Killeaton House” and ask the branch to forward the documents to Business Customer Support.

  • Post the signed paper documents to us directly at:
    Service Team
    Business Customer Support
    Danske Bank
    Killeaton House
    41 Mosside Road
    BT17 9HH

Want to get in touch?

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