Trade Finance

We have a range of products that can help minimise credit risks, manage credit terms and payment flows for buyers and sellers across domestic and international markets.

How can we help you?

Whether you are an established international business who is importing or exporting or taking your first steps trading abroad, our local and dedicated team of trade finance specialists are on hand to support you and offer the products and services to help you reduce your risks.

We have three Trade Finance solutions:

We're here to help

We have a team of specialists, skilled at making more possible for local businesses through our trade finance solutions.

If you are interested in finding out how our Trade Finance solutions could help your business, please contact Bernie Kerr, Head of Trade & Export Finance:

Telephone: 07740 638480


If you are an existing Trade Finance customer you can speak to one of our Trade Specialists:

Telephone: 028 9004 8133

Calls may be recorded. Lines are open between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, except on bank holidays or other holidays in Northern Ireland when the bank is not open for business.

Want to get in touch?

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