eSafeID device

  • Activate new eSafeID device

    If you have received a new eSafeID device, you need to activate it before use:

    • Activate your eSafeID.
    • Enter User ID and password and click 'Continue'
      Activate eSafeID enter user ID and password
    • Press 'Send' and you will receive an activation code via SMS.
      If your phone number is not registered, you must choose another activation method. See help info on the screen.
    • Follow the instructions on the page. Click ‘Continue to Log on’, and you are ready to log on to District.
      Activation successful message

    Note. If the activation code from SMS is typed in incorrectly it will be blocked after 5 attempts

  • Use of the eSafeID device

    There are two steps in logging on to District. First enter your user ID and password, and then type a security code from your eSafeID device.

    You can check that you are using the right device  - see the serial number on the back of the device.

    • Compare the serial number with the number shown on the screen.

    • To generate a security code, press the button on the front of the device.

    • Enter the six-digit security code displayed on the device.

    • Click 'Continue'.  
    You are now logged on to District.
  • Ordering a new eSafeID device

    If you lose your eSafeID device, suspect that someone else is using it or it is broken, you must block it immediately by contacting District Customer Support. You will be asked to provide your User ID. Please note that we will never ask you for your password.

    You can order a new eSafeID device in the following ways as soon as the previous device has been blocked:

  • Lost eSafeID device

    If you lose your eSafeID device or suspect that someone else is using it, you must block it immediately. 

    You can block your eSafeID devicein the following way: 

  • Incorrect eSafeID device

    If there is an error related to your eSafeID device, please consider the following:

    • Does the serial number on the back of your eSafeID device match the number you see on the screen.
    • Is it your own eSafeID device? 
    • Do you have more than one eSafeID device? 
    • Do you have more than one user ID for District? 
    • Have you received a new eSafeID device recently?

    If another user on your agreement has access to the 'User Administration' module in District, the user can see the user ID associated with your eSafeID device.

  • Keep your eSafeID codes safe

    The codes from your eSafeID device are unique to you and no-one, not even the Bank should ever ask you to share these.

    If you are contacted by someone who is requesting these codes it’s likely a fraudster!

    You should end the call immediately and report this to us using our 24 hour emergency telephone number 0800 917 7918.

    Stop: Taking a moment to stop and think before parting with your money or information could keep you safe.

    Challenge: Could it be fake? It's ok to reject, refuse or ignore any requests. Only criminals will try to rush or panic you.

    Protect: Contact your bank immediately if you think you've fallen for a scam and report it to Action Fraud.


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