Digital Signing for Business Customers

At Danske Bank, we want to help you to do your business banking your way. So, whether you are working from home, the office or out and about, we are making it easier to bank with us.

Digital signing is a quick, easy and secure way to sign documents. You can access and sign documents via your mobile, tablet or computer and on average, digital signing is 5 days quicker than waiting for documents to be posted.

Is your business ready to experience faster signing times? Check below!

For any queries, please see our FAQs below.

Sole Trader

Are you the owner of your business and an active user on District? If you are the good news is you are already set up for Digital Signing!


Are there at least 2 partners within your business who are active users on District? If so, then you are already set up for Digital Signing!

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

If your business is a Limited Liability Partnership, you will need to complete a Digital Signing Instruction and send it to us. The people nominated on the form must be Members of the company and active users on District.

Please download the Digital Signing Mandate below and complete, then send a photo or scanned copy of the mandate to your Relationship Manager through our Secure Message facility within District.

Download Mandate

Limited Company

If your business is a Limited Company or an Unlimited Company, you will need to complete a Digital Signing Instruction and send it to us. The people nominated on the form must be Directors of the company and active users on District.

Please download the Digital Signing Mandate and complete, then send a photo or scanned copy of the mandate to your Relationship Manager through our Secure Message facility within District.

Download Mandate


Interested in registering for District or reactivating an existing District agreement to benefit from digital signing?

Call us on 0345 850 9515

Mon–Fri: 8am–6pm/Sat & Sun: 9am–5pm

Want to get in touch?

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