Danske ID for business demo
Step 1:
First, select the country where you are using Danske ID. If using Danske ID to log on to District, you must select the “United Kingdom (Business)” option as shown above.
Step 2:
Activate Danske ID by entering your District User ID (6 characters) and your District password.
Step 3:
Identify yourself using an eSafeID device, Danske ID on another phone or a text message.
Step 4:
eSafeID: Tap the eSafeID button and enter a one-time code in the Danske ID app.
Step 5:
Danske ID on another phone: Tap 'Send' to receive a request for Danske ID on another phone. Then unlock the app and swipe to approve the request.
Step 6:
Make sure that your mobile number on the screen is correct. Tap ‘Send’ to receive the 6-digit activation code in a text message. Then enter the activation code in the Danske ID app. The text message can be sent if your mobile number is registered in Danske Bank’s systems. If your mobile number is not registered, please choose another activation method.
Step 7:
Set a 4-digit PIN that you want to use to access the app in future. The app will ask you to confirm your PIN by entering it again.
Step 8:
Danske ID requires access to your camera for QR code scanning. Give access to the camera before logging on to District.
Step 9:
Activation of Danske ID is completed and you can use the app to log on to District in future.