Currency Conversion Calculator

You can use the calculator to compare our estimated* foreign exchange rates with the latest rates published by the European Central Bank (ECB). This will help you to understand the cost of using your Mastercard debit or credit card to withdraw cash or pay for something in certain foreign currencies. If you choose to withdraw cash or to pay for something in sterling (GBP) when you are abroad, the cash machine provider or retailer will apply its own exchange rate.

*Estimated exchange rates use the latest Mastercard exchange rate at the time of your calculation and includes any non-sterling transaction fee (currently 2.75%). The exchange rate that will appear on your statement may be different depending on the exchange rate that applies on the date that we process your transaction.


You can use the calculator to compare our estimated* foreign exchange rates with the latest rates published by the European Central Bank (ECB). This will help you to understand the cost of using your Mastercard debit or credit card to withdraw cash or pay for something in certain foreign currencies. If you choose to withdraw cash or to pay for something in sterling (GBP) when you are abroad, the cash machine provider or retailer will apply its own exchange rate.

*Estimated exchange rates use the latest Mastercard exchange rate at the time of your calculation and includes any non-sterling transaction fee (currently 2.75%). The exchange rate that will appear on your statement may be different depending on the exchange rate that applies on the date that we process your transaction.


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ECB Foreign Exchange Reference Rates

The ECB publishes reference rates for the following European currencies once a day: CHF, CZK, DKK, EUR, HUF, ISK, NOK, PLN, SEK, BGN, HRK, RON.

The rates are not intended to be used in market transactions, but are published for information purposes only.

Mastercard Exchange Rates

These are foreign exchange rates set by Mastercard that apply when you use your credit or debit card to withdraw cash or make a payment in a foreign currency. The actual rate that applies when we process your transaction may vary.

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