How To Obtain a Transfer Value

Deferred (and Active Deferred) members, or a third party with your written authority, can ask for a Cash Equivalent Transfer Value (CETV) by contacting the Scheme Administrator (Equiniti) by email, phone or post. Further information for Equiniti can be found on the Contact Details page.

When requesting a CETV, you will also need to provide the Scheme Administrator (Equiniti) with your Member Number, Payroll Number or National Insurance Number, as well as two pieces of personal information.

A guaranteed transfer value will be applicable for a period of three months from the date of the calculation. A charge may be applied if you request a second guaranteed transfer value within 12 months.

The Trustee does not give financial advice, nor does it promote or encourage one retirement option over another. Before transferring benefits from the Scheme, you need to fully consider the benefits and risks from doing so, and you should get independent financial advice.

Members are reminded to be aware of pension scams and are advised to take extreme care if considering transferring benefits out of the Scheme.

Regulations were introduced in November 2021 which require the Trustee, in certain circumstances, to carry out additional checks before transferring benefits from the Scheme. This is to help safeguard members from the risk of being defrauded. Please be aware that some delays may result from the need for these checks to be carried out. Members should, however, continue to remain vigilant to the risk of pension scams.

Read our dedicated Pension Scam Awareness page for more information.

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