Contact Details

Here you will find contact details for the Scheme Administrator and the Trustee.

Scheme Administrator (Equiniti)

The Scheme Administrator, Equiniti, deal with the day-to-day administration of the Scheme and should be your first point of contact for all general queries, including requests for details of your Scheme benefits. Notification of change of address, marital status or to notify the Trustee of the death of a member, should be made to Equiniti.

Before responding to or actioning your enquiry, Equiniti will ask a number of security questions to verify your identity.

By post

Danske Administration
Sutherland House
Russell Way
West Sussex
RH10 1UH
United Kingdom

 Phone icon

By phone

0203 997 6720


Northern Bank Pension Trust Limited is the corporate Trustee of the Northern Bank Pension Scheme and is governed by PAN Trustees UK LLP (“PAN”) as the professional sole corporate trustee. The Scheme is represented by Mike Roberts and Nick Chadha at PAN.

The Scheme Secretary, Annie Rutherford, Willis Towers Watson (“WTW”) assists the Trustee with the management and operation of the Scheme. Please contact the Scheme Secretary if your query cannot be resolved by Equiniti in the first instance.

By post

Scheme Secretary
Northern Bank Pension Trust Limited
c/o Willis Towers Watson
51 Lime Street

If you would like to leave feedback on the operation of the Scheme, please also use the above contact details for Equiniti or the Trustee.

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