How to Notify the Trustee of a Death

If a member of the Northern Bank Pension Scheme has died, we are here to help you put their Scheme pension affairs in order.

If you are next of kin or a personal representative, the Scheme Administrator (Equiniti) will need to be provided with the following information about the deceased member:

  • Their full name, date of birth and date of death
  • Your relationship to the deceased and your contact details

If known, additional information such as the deceased’s Scheme number/National Insurance Number and details of surviving spouse/dependant(s) should be provided.

You can inform Equiniti of the Member’s death by email, phone or post. Further information for Equiniti can be found on the Contact Details page.

If not already received, Equiniti will require an original (or certified) copy of the death certificate. (Original certificates will be returned by the same method as received.)

If the deceased was in receipt of a pension, their pension will be stopped from the end of the month in which their death occurred. If applicable, any spouse/dependant/child pension will be set up from the start of the following month. Any overpayments made to a deceased member will require repayment – if applicable, please liaise with Equiniti.

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